Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 109:105
I wonder if you know where all my words have gone?
Did they float lightly on the feather of a breeze
or swiftly on the wings of the wind
glide down the waterfall after gurgling under the shimmering sun
go up in sparks with hazy smoke from a campfire
or, crash out in a sea of waves sailing into the horizon?
If you find them, please, send them back to me
preferably in a corked-up, blue, glass bottle on the seashore.
~Marcie Bridges
©8 March 2021
This poem is my song of lament to the Lord. I have tasted the dry dust of the desert the past few months, not able to find the “water of words” needed. Oh, don’t get me wrong. I have longed to sit and write, but I just couldn’t seem to find a creative bone in my body.
In all transparency though, it helps to drink of the Living Water. Something I have been struggling to do. Even in dustiest of conditions though, God’s Word is the best place to go to wet a parched soul.
When you cannot find the words to say, reading God’s Word and praying for Him to fill me with words is just the oasis I need.
Are you struggling to find the words for your next book, a blog post, a letter, or advice for a friend? Go to God. Let Him be the lamp that lights your way and becomes just the right words you need for your situation as you drink from His well of Living Water.
From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂
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