Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them;
for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
When others forsake me
and my path becomes dim
Lord, help me to always remember
You are the One who holds me near.
When my shoulders are heavy
and my cares weigh me down
Lord, help me to always let You
be the weight-lifter of my soul.
When tears assail me
and my heart is torn in two
Lord, help me to always sacrifice
songs of praise and thanksgiving to You.
When my ears become deaf
and my eyes no longer see
Lord, may I always find comfort
because in You I’ve been redeemed.
When words fail my lips
and I cannot breathe Your name
Lord, may I always feel Your presence
through the prayers of my dear friends.
When my strength is almost gone
and my body lies eerily prone
Lord, help me to fully surrender
to Your way, Your will, Your thoughts.
When the world around me crumbles
and my soul feels stripped and bare
Lord, help me to always keep my trust
in Your plans and loving care.
When I struggle to understand
and my heart can’t see Your hand
Lord, help me to sit quiet and still
so I’ll hear only Your voice within.
When my faith is weak
and despair has blinded me
Lord, help me place my hope in You
so I can follow Your path of truth.
When my life is good
and my dreams are in sight
Lord, help me to always keep You
fixed upon my heart and eyes.
When my life is calm
or in the midst of a raging storm
Lord, may I always lift my hands
in thankful praise to you, my Savior,
my God, my Lord.
~Marcie Bridges
©July 2015
I had been awake for a couple of hours listening to the thunder as it rolled, tempting my thoughts and heart to roll with it.
But an overriding, deep down part of me, felt peace. A peace that threatened to spill over like clouds shedding their rain, knowing God has this all under His control. I need not let my mind and heart be tossed about with the wind that blows trees to almost breaking because—because yes, “ ‘tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.”
Even when my life is in chaos God will never forsake me. I can depend on Him because He is with me to the end.
Yes, Jesus, I trust You for this day, this week, this hour, this minute. And because I trust You, I have peace.
Peace that overflows like rivers overwhelming their banks.
Peace that envelopes me because You are my Peace.
The storms may rage outside, but right here, right now, in this place there is The Presence of peace. Because these storms are no match for Jesus. The One who calms and restores.
The One who stands beside us and speaks, “Peace. Be still.”
From My Heart to Yours,
Our Faithful God #NotForsaken #NotForgotten #NeverAlone #Poetry Share on X
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